Wild/Natural logs

This material is best suited for people who appreciate the natural beauty of the tree, suitable for baths, saunas or fabulous forest huts. The stem of the tree is cleansed from the bark, and the skilful and diligent hands of the master, with the help of an ax, gives it a more rounded shape. We mainly use logs with a diameter of 240-380 mm. The natural appearance fills such structures with special natural energy.

The processing of natural logs requires a lot of hardworking and even jewellery work, where the skills of our specialists are obvious.

Address: Sofia, Zona B5, block 9, next to entrance B
Please give us a call in advance, in case you want to visit us!

+359 894 725 335

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Exclusive representative for Bulgaria and EU of DrevDom Stroy.
DrevDom Stroy, Ukraine, Kiev, Petrovskogo Str., 1 +380 67 9657757
drevdom.com.ua drevdominfo@ukr.net
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